Essay: Sanity at the Center; Detective Sherlock-Holmes Signs-and-Clues Spot Manipulator Tips and Tricks; Surrounded by Tornado Gaslighting Insanity Propaganda Machiavellian Power-Struggle Machine Awakenerhood
Gaslighting is a psychological occurrence when someone manipulates and lies to you to make you feel crazy. I’ve been gaslit my whole life because people are selfish. It’s a phenomenon that’s not unique to one person. Many people gaslight others. From schoolhouse bullies belittling their classmates with slurs and cutting remarks on their self-esteem that aren’t justified to corrupt politicians like former U.S. President Donald Trump, people gaslight because it gives them an arbitrary sense of power. They want to feel superior but don’t achieve what’s necessary through hard work like honest people. They want to take away the honest confidence and competencies of others so they can feel superior. One cannot accomplish this goal without making false accusations and lies about others to put them beneath their equally false sense of superiority. It makes sense. What’s scary about these manipulators is their power can be significant, such as in the case of Trump or former president Richard Nixon. These are the types of people that are proven to be liars. In Trump’s case, during his recent (first) 2024 debate with President Joe Biden, official reports exposed Trump lying on multiple occasions. AP News reports numerous examples of Trump’s lies, “‘They talk about a relatively small number of people that went to the Capitol and in many cases were ushered in by the police.’ THE FACTS: That’s false. The attack on the U.S. Capitol was the deadliest assault on the seat of American power in over 200 years. As thoroughly documented by video, photographs and people who were there, thousands of people descended on Capitol Hill in what became a brutal scene of hand-to-hand combat with police”” (AP News, 2024). Yet, these machiavellian leaders, stomping on the needs of petty humanity beneath them, craving imperium, still hold positions of power and are primarily respected all over the world. No kidding, Trump knows better and is pretending to perpetuate the blind faith in his supporters. The propaganda mind virus noise machine infests the minds of our world. These instances signify the Zeitgeist, an era controlled and dominated by lies. Our institutions teach us this value, which gives us the most power, reflected in commonplace everyday happenings, from the people we work with, go to school with, shit next to in the bathroom, whatever.
The best we can do if we’re aware of and sensitive to this fact of the human condition is to choose to mind our business and make that business as peaceful, blissful, and joyful as possible. Being surrounded by crazy people who are crazy because they try to make you feel crazy without supporting evidence, logic, proof, or reason is a liberating realization. In this state, we achieve awakenerhood. We are free from worry, enlightened in joyful, ecstatic, blissful infinity eternity. You can now free your mind from the pain they cause because you know they are false. Your apprehension proves the truth, which heals the pain of manipulation.
Suppose others cannot provide us the peace we deserve to be told the truth and respect enough to build us up rather than knock us down by making us into blisteringly fervent, neurotic, defensive, haunted tornado heads filled with the other’s deceit. In this case, we should not waste our time worrying about them or sympathetically catering to their needs. Reasonably, we should only be sympathetic and respectful to those who are kind and respectful to us. Someone is only worthy of disrespect if they have committed some kind of wrong, such as killing and harming an innocent person or making up things about us that aren’t true to make us feel crazy and inferior. They are anti-social-personality disorder and narcissistic villains. These harmful people have a penchant for manipulation. They do not care how they affect others because they lack empathy. Then, these people have lost their rights to freedom because they have destroyed the rights to freedom of someone else—justified imprisonment. Self-defense is justified when you’re defending an innocent person.
Signs of a gaslighter are perceivable due to their hurtful effect inside a person. Recognizing signs of the cycle and separating oneself from negative influence is a courageous and empowering step toward taking action into a better life filled with the harmony and positivity you deserve. As a perfectly sane, worthy, and important person, someone who knocks you down and lies to you by making you feel crazy without empathy or concern for how it affects you and your self-esteem should not be in your life. Move out from your family’s house or move on from the friend you’ve had since grade school who still talks to you like a jealous 13-year-old cutting down anyone with half as much talent as you. You deserve to care for yourself, knowing you’re innocent and worthy of a life of self-actualization and prosperity. Every innocent and good-intentioned person deserves a chance, justice, and the peace they deserve. It’s best to take control of your life and focus on the positive. Choose to focus on what you genuinely love, what brings your life joy. What brings your life the most positivity, bliss, confidence, groundedness, and happiness will get the most of all the above to the rest of humanity. What’s best for you is what’s best for everyone. Then you know you’re actively making a positive impact on the world, and your intentions match the quality of your factual actual behavior, proving who you are. The gaslighter’s greatest weakness is truth, honesty, vulnerability, and exposure. Tell the truth with pride.